QEMU 源码编译

QEMU 是一个支持跨平台虚拟化的虚拟机,有 user mode 和 system mode 两种配置方式。其中 qemu 在 system mode 配置下模拟出整个计算机,可以在 qemu 之上运行一个操作系统。VMware 和 Virtualbox 之类通常只能在 x86 计算机上虚拟出一个 x86 虚拟机,而 QEMU 支持在 x86 上虚拟出一个 ARM 虚拟机。qemu 在 user mode 配置下,可以运行跟当前平台指令集不同的平台的可执行程序。

QEMU 中有两个重要的名词 host 和 target (guest),其中 host 表示 qemu 程序本身运行的平台,target(guest)表示 qemu 虚拟出的计算平台(system mode)或支持的可执行程序的运行平台(user mode)。


1、安装 ninja

git clone git://github.com/ninja-build/ninja.git && cd ninja
 ./configure.py --bootstrap
cp ninja /usr/bin/
ninja --version


dnf install -y glib2 glib2-devel gtk2-devel

二、编译 QEMU


git clome https://github.com/qemu/qemu.git


cd qemu/
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --target-list=aarch64-softmmu,aarch64-linux-user
../configure --target-list=aarch64-softmmu,aarch64-linux-user --enable-spice --enable-vnc --enable-guest-agent --enable-libusb --enable-usb-redir
../configure --target-list=x86_64-softmmu,x86_64-linux-user --enable-kvm --enable-spice --enable-vnc --enable-guest-agent --enable-libusb --enable-usb-redir
../configure --target-list=aarch64-softmmu,aarch64-linux-user,x86_64-softmmu,x86_64-linux-user --enable-kvm --enable-spice --enable-vnc --enable-guest-agent --enable-libusb --enable-usb-redir

--target-list 指定需要编译的 target(guest)

aarch64-softmmu 表示要编译 system mode 的 QEMU

aarch64-linux-user 表示要编译 user mode 的 QEMU


make -j10


make install


qemu-system-aarch64 --version
qemu-aarch64 --version

qemu-aarch64 是用户模式的模拟器(更精确的表述应该是系统调用模拟器)

qemu-system-aarch64 是系统模拟器,可以模拟出整个机器并运行操作系统

qemu-aarch64 仅可用来运行二进制文件,因此你可以交叉编译完例如hello world之类的程序然后交给 qemu-aarch64 来运行,简单而高效。

而 qemu-system-aarch64 则需要把hello world程序下载到客户机操作系统能访问到的硬盘里才能运行。

三、配置 UEFI 启动

1、安装 edk2.git-aarch64

wget https://www.kraxel.org/repos/firmware.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/firmware.repo
yum install edk2.git-aarch64

2、配置 qemu

vim /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf

nvram = ["/usr/share/edk2.git/aarch64/QEMU_EFI-pflash.raw:/usr/share/edk2.git/aarch64/vars-template-pflash.raw"]

3、重启 libvirt

systemctl restart libvirtd

四、configure 可选参数

[root@centos8 build]# ../configure --help

Usage: configure [options]
Options: [defaults in brackets after descriptions]

Standard options:
  --help                   print this message
  --prefix=PREFIX          install in PREFIX [/usr/local]
  --interp-prefix=PREFIX   where to find shared libraries, etc.
                           use %M for cpu name [/usr/gnemul/qemu-%M]
  --target-list=LIST       set target list (default: build all non-deprecated)
                           Available targets: aarch64-softmmu alpha-softmmu 
                           arm-softmmu avr-softmmu cris-softmmu hppa-softmmu 
                           i386-softmmu m68k-softmmu microblazeel-softmmu 
                           microblaze-softmmu mips64el-softmmu mips64-softmmu 
                           mipsel-softmmu mips-softmmu moxie-softmmu 
                           nios2-softmmu or1k-softmmu ppc64-softmmu ppc-softmmu 
                           riscv32-softmmu riscv64-softmmu rx-softmmu 
                           s390x-softmmu sh4eb-softmmu sh4-softmmu 
                           sparc64-softmmu sparc-softmmu tricore-softmmu 
                           x86_64-softmmu xtensaeb-softmmu xtensa-softmmu 
                           aarch64_be-linux-user aarch64-linux-user 
                           alpha-linux-user armeb-linux-user arm-linux-user 
                           cris-linux-user hppa-linux-user i386-linux-user 
                           m68k-linux-user microblazeel-linux-user 
                           microblaze-linux-user mips64el-linux-user 
                           mips64-linux-user mipsel-linux-user mips-linux-user 
                           mipsn32el-linux-user mipsn32-linux-user 
                           nios2-linux-user or1k-linux-user ppc64le-linux-user 
                           ppc64-linux-user ppc-linux-user riscv32-linux-user 
                           riscv64-linux-user s390x-linux-user sh4eb-linux-user 
                           sh4-linux-user sparc32plus-linux-user 
                           sparc64-linux-user sparc-linux-user 
                           x86_64-linux-user xtensaeb-linux-user 
                           Deprecated targets: 
  --target-list-exclude=LIST exclude a set of targets from the default target-list

Advanced options (experts only):
  --cross-prefix=PREFIX    use PREFIX for compile tools []
  --cc=CC                  use C compiler CC [cc]
  --iasl=IASL              use ACPI compiler IASL [iasl]
  --host-cc=CC             use C compiler CC [cc] for code run at
                           build time
  --cxx=CXX                use C++ compiler CXX [c++]
  --objcc=OBJCC            use Objective-C compiler OBJCC [cc]
  --extra-cflags=CFLAGS    append extra C compiler flags QEMU_CFLAGS
  --extra-cxxflags=CXXFLAGS append extra C++ compiler flags QEMU_CXXFLAGS
  --extra-ldflags=LDFLAGS  append extra linker flags LDFLAGS
  --cross-cc-ARCH=CC       use compiler when building ARCH guest test cases
  --cross-cc-flags-ARCH=   use compiler flags when building ARCH guest tests
  --make=MAKE              use specified make [make]
  --python=PYTHON          use specified python [/usr/bin/python3]
  --sphinx-build=SPHINX    use specified sphinx-build []
  --meson=MESON            use specified meson []
  --ninja=NINJA            use specified ninja []
  --smbd=SMBD              use specified smbd [/usr/sbin/smbd]
  --with-git=GIT           use specified git [git]
  --static                 enable static build [no]
  --mandir=PATH            install man pages in PATH
  --datadir=PATH           install firmware in PATH/qemu
  --localedir=PATH         install translation in PATH/qemu
  --docdir=PATH            install documentation in PATH/qemu
  --bindir=PATH            install binaries in PATH
  --libdir=PATH            install libraries in PATH
  --libexecdir=PATH        install helper binaries in PATH
  --sysconfdir=PATH        install config in PATH/qemu
  --localstatedir=PATH     install local state in PATH (set at runtime on win32)
  --firmwarepath=PATH      search PATH for firmware files
  --efi-aarch64=PATH       PATH of efi file to use for aarch64 VMs.
  --with-suffix=SUFFIX     suffix for QEMU data inside datadir/libdir/sysconfdir/docdir [qemu]
  --with-pkgversion=VERS   use specified string as sub-version of the package
  --enable-debug           enable common debug build options
  --enable-sanitizers      enable default sanitizers
  --enable-tsan            enable thread sanitizer
  --disable-strip          disable stripping binaries
  --disable-werror         disable compilation abort on warning
  --disable-stack-protector disable compiler-provided stack protection
  --audio-drv-list=LIST    set audio drivers list:
                           Available drivers: oss alsa sdl pa
  --block-drv-whitelist=L  Same as --block-drv-rw-whitelist=L
                           set block driver read-write whitelist
                           (affects only QEMU, not qemu-img)
                           set block driver read-only whitelist
                           (affects only QEMU, not qemu-img)
  --enable-trace-backends=B Set trace backend
                           Available backends: dtrace ftrace log simple syslog ust
  --with-trace-file=NAME   Full PATH,NAME of file to store traces
  --disable-slirp          disable SLIRP userspace network connectivity
  --enable-tcg-interpreter enable TCG with bytecode interpreter (TCI)
  --enable-malloc-trim     enable libc malloc_trim() for memory optimization
  --oss-lib                path to OSS library
  --cpu=CPU                Build for host CPU [x86_64]
  --with-coroutine=BACKEND coroutine backend. Supported options:
                           ucontext, sigaltstack, windows
  --enable-gcov            enable test coverage analysis with gcov
  --disable-blobs          disable installing provided firmware blobs
  --with-vss-sdk=SDK-path  enable Windows VSS support in QEMU Guest Agent
  --with-win-sdk=SDK-path  path to Windows Platform SDK (to build VSS .tlb)
  --tls-priority           default TLS protocol/cipher priority string
  --enable-gprof           QEMU profiling with gprof
  --enable-profiler        profiler support
                           track the maximum stack usage of stacks created by qemu_alloc_stack
                           enable plugins via shared library loading
  --disable-containers     don't use containers for cross-building
  --gdb=GDB-path           gdb to use for gdbstub tests [/usr/bin/gdb]

Optional features, enabled with --enable-FEATURE and
disabled with --disable-FEATURE, default is enabled if available:

  system          all system emulation targets
  user            supported user emulation targets
  linux-user      all linux usermode emulation targets
  bsd-user        all BSD usermode emulation targets
  docs            build documentation
  guest-agent     build the QEMU Guest Agent
  guest-agent-msi build guest agent Windows MSI installation package
  pie             Position Independent Executables
  modules         modules support (non-Windows)
  module-upgrades try to load modules from alternate paths for upgrades
  debug-tcg       TCG debugging (default is disabled)
  debug-info      debugging information
  sparse          sparse checker
  safe-stack      SafeStack Stack Smash Protection. Depends on
                  clang/llvm >= 3.7 and requires coroutine backend ucontext.

  gnutls          GNUTLS cryptography support
  nettle          nettle cryptography support
  gcrypt          libgcrypt cryptography support
  auth-pam        PAM access control
  sdl             SDL UI
  sdl-image       SDL Image support for icons
  gtk             gtk UI
  vte             vte support for the gtk UI
  curses          curses UI
  iconv           font glyph conversion support
  vnc             VNC UI support
  vnc-sasl        SASL encryption for VNC server
  vnc-jpeg        JPEG lossy compression for VNC server
  vnc-png         PNG compression for VNC server
  cocoa           Cocoa UI (Mac OS X only)
  virtfs          VirtFS
  virtiofsd       build virtiofs daemon (virtiofsd)
  libudev         Use libudev to enumerate host devices
  mpath           Multipath persistent reservation passthrough
  xen             xen backend driver support
  xen-pci-passthrough    PCI passthrough support for Xen
  brlapi          BrlAPI (Braile)
  curl            curl connectivity
  membarrier      membarrier system call (for Linux 4.14+ or Windows)
  fdt             fdt device tree
  kvm             KVM acceleration support
  hax             HAX acceleration support
  hvf             Hypervisor.framework acceleration support
  whpx            Windows Hypervisor Platform acceleration support
  rdma            Enable RDMA-based migration
  pvrdma          Enable PVRDMA support
  vde             support for vde network
  netmap          support for netmap network
  linux-aio       Linux AIO support
  linux-io-uring  Linux io_uring support
  cap-ng          libcap-ng support
  attr            attr and xattr support
  vhost-net       vhost-net kernel acceleration support
  vhost-vsock     virtio sockets device support
  vhost-scsi      vhost-scsi kernel target support
  vhost-crypto    vhost-user-crypto backend support
  vhost-kernel    vhost kernel backend support
  vhost-user      vhost-user backend support
  vhost-user-blk-server    vhost-user-blk server support
  vhost-vdpa      vhost-vdpa kernel backend support
  spice           spice
  rbd             rados block device (rbd)
  libiscsi        iscsi support
  libnfs          nfs support
  smartcard       smartcard support (libcacard)
  u2f             U2F support (u2f-emu)
  libusb          libusb (for usb passthrough)
  live-block-migration   Block migration in the main migration stream
  usb-redir       usb network redirection support
  lzo             support of lzo compression library
  snappy          support of snappy compression library
  bzip2           support of bzip2 compression library
                  (for reading bzip2-compressed dmg images)
  lzfse           support of lzfse compression library
                  (for reading lzfse-compressed dmg images)
  zstd            support for zstd compression library
                  (for migration compression and qcow2 cluster compression)
  seccomp         seccomp support
  coroutine-pool  coroutine freelist (better performance)
  glusterfs       GlusterFS backend
  tpm             TPM support
  libssh          ssh block device support
  numa            libnuma support
  libxml2         for Parallels image format
  tcmalloc        tcmalloc support
  jemalloc        jemalloc support
  avx2            AVX2 optimization support
  avx512f         AVX512F optimization support
  replication     replication support
  opengl          opengl support
  virglrenderer   virgl rendering support
  xfsctl          xfsctl support
  qom-cast-debug  cast debugging support
  tools           build qemu-io, qemu-nbd and qemu-img tools
  bochs           bochs image format support
  cloop           cloop image format support
  dmg             dmg image format support
  qcow1           qcow v1 image format support
  vdi             vdi image format support
  vvfat           vvfat image format support
  qed             qed image format support
  parallels       parallels image format support
  sheepdog        sheepdog block driver support (deprecated)
  crypto-afalg    Linux AF_ALG crypto backend driver
  capstone        capstone disassembler support
  debug-mutex     mutex debugging support
  libpmem         libpmem support
  xkbcommon       xkbcommon support
  rng-none        dummy RNG, avoid using /dev/(u)random and getrandom()
  libdaxctl       libdaxctl support

NOTE: The object files are built at the place where configure is launched

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